TRIGGER Proofs Arrive

I was happy to get the first paperback proofs for TRIGGER from Amazon. Amazon recently moved their printing business, called Createspace, into the KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) umbrella, so I was excited to see how the quality of the books would compare.

Overall, I was very happy. Print-on-Demand technology makes indie books nearly indistinguishable from traditionally published books. As for these specific TRIGGER proofs, they were darker in print than on the computer screen, so I’ll have to update the book cover file, making it lighter, and try again.

I also decided to change the book size from 5.5 x 8.5 to 5 x 8. That smaller size feels better in the hand.

So, I ordered two more proofs with the updated cover and the small size and we’ll see how the new versions look.

For a writer, receiving proofs is a big deal. it’s the first time you get to see that electronic file in a book form, feel it, smell it, understand it’s thickness and weight… it’s all pretty cool.

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