Connecting with me online

The best place to find me is here, but I’m also on a few select social media outlets. Here’s the links if you want to connect with me online. MeWe: Facebook: Instagram:

Writers, Get Out More

Writing is often a lonely, isolating experience. We usually find our quiet space, fill it with white noise or our favorite music, and write characters that exist in our minds before they do on paper. We spend a lot of Read more…

Setting Expectations When Launching Your First Novel

The dream of everyone that wants to be a writer is to draft the next great American novel, release it to public accolades and sit back while the money and notoriety roll in. There’s one word for that… fantasy. In Read more…

Book Review – Write. Publish. Repeat.

To be published or self-publish, that is the question. Since the advent of the ebook, a slow and constant paradigm shift has been occurring in the publishing world. Much like how Napster and, later, ITunes changed the face of music, Read more…