It’s never been a better time to be creative
For the first time in human history, any artist creating nearly any work can make it available to anyone in the world.
Writing a Story vs Being a Writer
Both telling one story and telling many are wonderful expressions of creativity. However, there’s a big difference between writing the one story that’s been noodling around in your brain and being a writer of many stories.
Novel Update & Writing Influences
Here’s an update on the progress of the first Damien Hill thriller novel and I also share about my three greatest writing influences.
Smarter Artist Summit – 2017 Recap
Writers, conferences and community.
Writing Update – Damien Hill Thrillers
I’ve been busy working on my new thriller series. After a number of starts and stops, I’m finally heading in the right direction.
The proof of the series
Got my proof copy of Gods & Martyrs today, putting to bed, at least for now, the Gabby Wells Thriller series.
Indy Authors Are Libertarian Capitalists, Even Though They Don’t Know It Yet
I’m a simple man. Obvious contradictions confuse me. As I considered the current state of independent writing, especially through the largest marketplace, Amazon, there appeared to be a disconnect between how many make their living and their political leanings. Growing Read more…
Writing Evil
I was writing a chapter in the fourth Gabby Wells novel, Gods & Martyrs, and, when I was done, was so disturbed by what I had written, I pushed the keyboard away in disgust. Creating characters is a tricky thing. Read more…
My Writing Process (Video)
Every once and a while I get asked by people about my writing process. Some want to know because they, too, want to write novels. Others ask because they’re just curious how I get from an idea in my head Read more…
Paperback Rewards
In a digital world, writing can sometimes feel like I’m moving ones and zeros in a virtual world where nothing is real. Even when I’ve finished the book and output it into various ebook formats, it still doesn’t feel like Read more…