I’m back

Okay, I’m back. 🙂

I took some time away from writing in order to help my son build his own personal business. Now that he has reached solid footing, I’m diving back into my writing.

I’m flushing out a new series of novels based on one of the characters in my Damien Hill thrillers. Those books are not my most popular, but I think that the Damien Hill trilogy as a whole is a powerful story.

My goal is to have a first draft of this new novel done by the end of the year. And then the rewrites and release in 2025.

I’m going to be a little slow in the beginning, I have to work the rust off of my writing process and get my brain back into an effective Flow State for creative thought.

If you’re still one of the people who checks this page every once in awhile, I know you’ll be patient with me. You have been so far!!!

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