About Author Pete Bauer

Author Pete Bauer has been writing since he was nine years old and fell in love with thrillers when he watched Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Window while in college.

Growing up in Florida, Bauer has seen the crazy and the amazing, and he tries to bring a part of that experience into his writing. The last of eight children, Bauer loves his family, faith and football.

Bauer started his creative journey as a child, wanting to write and make movies, but the only opportunities in high school and college were theater, so he graduated college with a performance arts degree. For the next few years worked professionally in Florida, in theater, television and film, both in front and behind the camera.

Through it all, he kept writing. Screenplays were his outlet of choice and, while working in the industry, won a few writing awards, had a few screenplays options and one produced.

Eventually, his struggle with Crohn’s disease forced him to alter his childhood plans and he left the entertainment industry and moved into corporate America. Through it all, he kept writing, making short movies, and made sure to keep the creative juices flowing.

When the Amazon Kindle came out, he finally had an outlet where he could share his stories in a way that readers could enjoy them. He first effort was turning a character he’d written in a series of screenplays and converting them into a young adult novel series call The Gabby Wells Thrillers. Gabby Wells is a modern day teen sleuth who lives in a small Florida hamlet and defends her family and friends as evil visits her home town.

The creation and release of those books was a wonderful experience and Bauer used all he learned to write The Damien Hill Thrillers, about a rookie cop from another small Florida town whose life is changed when a riot breaks out following a police shooting.

Bauer has thirty years of stories behind him and an exciting future of storytelling ahead.

The Gabby Wells Thrillers

The Damien Hill Thrillers